


KE SANA KE SINI KE SUNWAY Somewhere in early July we found out that Sunway was having a fantastic promotion which they called as "Ke Sana Ke Sini Ke Sunway". The deal was to stay at Sunway Resort Hotel or Sunway Clio Hotel (your choice) for 3D2N for only RM499, and get 4 free tickets to Sunway Lagoon (2 adults and 2 children below 12yo). And to add more excitement, they also provide  RM200 vouchers for several shops in Sunway Pyramids! How cool was that! The offer was at a limited time and the redemption period was also limited. We had a long discussion about this. Our previous trips to Sunway Lagoon were a blast. Kids were having so much fun, the foods were great and we really spent a good quality of time together; so we were thinking that it is about time for some recharge because ever since the MCO started we haven't bring the kids out for a quick holiday.  We bought the tickets and selected Sunway Resort Hotel. To be honest we have no idea which hotel to book but we

Young Living March Promo : Diffuser Galore!

Assalamualaikum, Have you heard? Young Living Malaysia are having discounts on the Premex sets and diffusers! It's definitely diffuser galore in March. Premex Set was introduced last year replacing the famous Premium Starter Kits. Many were saddened with the discontinuation of PSK which were made with very short notice. But, eventually became delighted to know that Premex is the one replacing PSK.  What's a Premex?   Its a short for Premium Experience Kit. It comes with 10 essential oils in 5ml, a V6 carrier oil, 2x5ml oil bottles with roller fitment, 4x2ml oil bottles, 2mm funnel, Swatch cards, 30 days Starter Guide and a Diffuser of your choice.  In March, there are 7 diffusers to choose from for a premex set, and 6 of them are eligible for the 10% discounts. Before we go through all 7 premex, allow me to share with you guys the benefit of purchasing a premex set. 1. Emotional support for the whole family. Aromatherapy is one of the known therapies that can help us to man

I GOT COVID! Covid while breastfeeding

Assalamualaikum, Guess who contributed to the statistics?  Yours Truly. During the CNY holidays our little family went on a staycation in Kuala Lumpur. 7 years ago when we started this tradition, we vowed to repeat this yearly on CNY because Kuala Lumpur was empty, it was such a breeze going in without traffic and shopping without crowd!  But it wasn't the same now! Kuala Lumpur during public holiday is as crowded as normal days. We complied to the SOP, wearing mask, sanitized all the time and try not being too close to anyone. We spent most of the time in the hotel, swimming and relaxing. The only place that we visited was KLCC. And it was hell packed with humans! Which I assumed where I got the virus from.  Mandatory selfie at KLCC A day after we arrived home, I suddenly felt sick. I thought that was because I was tired from the trip, but I felt all weird when I realized that my throat felt itchy and my nose was blocked. And there it clicked, tiredness did not bring such symptoms

Sebab Kami Memilih Bersalin Di Hospital UMRA Shah Alam 2021

Assalamualaikum, Hai semua! I'm sure korang dah maklum yang I baru sahaja melahirkan anak yang ke-3. Anak I pun dah berusia 50 hari. Comel sangat masyaAllah. I suka bayi ni sebab dia senang nak jaga berbanding kanak-kanak. Asalkan cukup susu, buang angin, buang air dan cukup tidur, bayi tersebut pasti tidak meragam. Ini adalah kali ke-3 I melahirkan anak di Hospital UMRA Shah Alam. Kali pertama adalah pada tahun 2014. Asalnya kami ke Hospital UMRA pasa tahun 2013 untuk rawatan kesuburan. Di sana ada seorang pakar fertility Doctor Navdeep (Lelaki ya) namanya. Nak jumpa beliau bukan senang, dia hanya datang di hospital tersebut pada hari tertentu sahaja. Dan pesakit beliau memang ramai. Dah alang-alang ke UMRA untuk rawatan kesuburan, kami pun teruskan sahaja check-up bulanan di sana sebaik sahaja mengetahui akan kehamilan kami yang pertama. Gambar hospital UMRA yang diambil daripada capaian Google. Pernah juga buka buku pink di Klinik Kesihatan Shah Alam pada tahun 2014, namun keada

Eucalyptus Essential Oil Young LIving : Radiata, Globulus, Blue

Assalamualaikum, Harini I nak Share dengan korang product Young Living iaitu Eucalyptus! Sebab I tau ramai kalau yg tak sihat mcm batuk n selesema mahupun sakit kepala suka pakai produk yg ada eucalyptus. Mainly sbb bau dia tajam dan sedap sampai boleh cair segala hingus dan kahak. Sakit kepala pun boleh reda. So YL ada 3 jenis eucalyptus. RADIATA, GLOBULUS dan BLUE. . 1) RADIATA : sesuai untuk sinus. Try diffuse selama 3 bulan berturut2 everynight, kemudian siang tukar dgn raven. Takde raven pakai la radiata siang malam no problem. InsyaAllah sinus akan berkurang. . 2) GLOBULUS: sangat sesuai untuk batuk2. Dia kurangkan batuk, bagi kelegaan yang segera. Kalau mcm selalu batuk ni susah nak tarik nafas mesti sangkut nak terbatuk kan? Globulus ni will attack directly. Bagi kita senang nak breathe. Boleh juga pakai radiata utk batuk2 sbb it helps to support our breathing juga but its not directly mcm globulus. . 3) BLUE: ni eucalyptus yg paling soft/mild. Sesuai untuk orang yang asma seb

Lavender Essential Oil Mengeringkan Pendarahan

Assalamualaikum, Rindunya lahai nak bercuti dan tidur hotel. Since we have a newborn, kitorang masih tak berani nak bawa dia jalan-jalan kat luar. Maybe tunggu umur dia 2 bulan dulu. I miss going out so much. and I miss having staycation. The last staycation we had was in April. I was still in my first trimester, muntah, muntah, muntah je kerja I. But still, the staycation was nice. Felt recharged. Tapi teringat pulak, masa staycation dekat Ascott KL in April tu, ada tragedi kaki Aaron tersepit pintu sampai berdarah2. Alkisahnya, sampai-sampai bilik je bellboy ding dong sebab nak hantar beg. Aaron semangat nak bukakan pintu tapi pintu hotel kan, berat untuk dia tarik. Bellboy tak tahu ada budak kecik belakang pintu so bellboy tu tolak ler pintu maka tersepit la ibu jari kaki Aaron. Kuku terkopek, kulit tersiat sikit je. Cuma darahnya tak berenti. . Baru 10 minit check in dah disaster gais. dah ler mommy tak packing langsung first aid kit apatah lagi plaster. Lelaju amik tisu balut ibu

Habis Pantang 44 Hari and Pre-Birthday Celebration

 Assalamualaikum semua, Harini officially I habis pantang selepas 44 hari I melahirkan baby yang comel gebu gebas haha. Sejujurnya, I tak pantang sangat pun. Lepas bersalin haritu, my mom masakkan lauk pantang selama 2 minggu. So I cuma makan makanan pantang sahaja selama 2 minggu tu. Selepas itu, I makan macam biasa dah. Cuma tulah, bila ter pedas, baby I pun asyik terberak-berak. Makanya I kene makan in moderation lah. Sebelum bersalin haritu, I memang plan nak ambil confinement package. Told my husband about it and he said ok. Then kitorang pun proceedlah untuk conceive. Later on, cases covid kat Malaysia ni makin naik. Dan banyak yang menjadi mangsa adalah ibu2 mengandung. We are considered as high risk kalau kena covid. Seram betul rasa. Terutama dengan kes arwah Siti Sarah. Berhari-hari I sedih dengan pemergian beliau dan ketakutan untuk diri sendiri. Bila semakin menghampiri due date, my husband and my parents decided its too risky untuk engage dengan Confinement Company, sebabn

Short Life Updates

Assalamualaikum dan hello semua! Sorry lama tak update blog, I have been so busy and have some news to share with all of you. Tiap-tiap hari memang nak sangat update blog tapi faktor kesihatan tak mengizinkan. Tambah pula sekarang ni tengah MCO, jadi laptop I banyak digunakan untuk kelas PDPR anak dari pagi sampai ke petang. Bila masuk malam pula I banyak nak berehat. Adakalanya I busy siapkan articles. Sekarang ni, I memang sibuk dengan banyak perkara. hehe. Jom la I update pasal diri I kejap: 1) We are expecting! Haa bila I cakap kesihatan I tak mengizinkan, I sebenarnya sedang mengandung! ALhamdulillah. Cabarannya mengandung di musim covid ni masyaAllah stress betul rasa. We have planned this pregnancy for a very long time sebenarnya. Ramai pula yang ingatkan unplanned almaklumlah musim MCO semua orang duduk rumah. Asalnya nak conceive in 2020 tapi covid hits the country so bad kan masa ni. So kitorang pun delay kejap. Kemudian, I kene buat breast biopsi sebab doktor terjumpa ketula