
Tunjukkan catatan dari Julai, 2020


DURIAN CHEESECAKE Assalamualaikum and Hello. I am drooling right nowwww. Because I've just made my favourite fruit into a cake!  It's so dense. Love how the base crumbles. Anyway, I can't waste anymore time before my little boy wakes up, so I need to do this post as a welcome back push button for me start blogging again actively. So today, I wanna share with you guys a new recipe that I have tried. DURIAN CHEESECAKE. yess you read it right. I am pretty sure you guys love durian as much as I do. but durian cheesecake??...hurm.. will it be nice?? For all I know durian is yummy as it is, also yummy when cooked into serawa/bubur durian but with cheese seems a little weird don't you think? so out of curiosity, I actually made an effort to bake one! and it turns out GOOOOOOD, Deliciously creamy and cheesyyy. For this cake, I am using D24 durian. My husband was buying some durian and I told him to get me D24 or XO for me to make the cake. And when he did bought them I was so e...


TAUHU BERGEDIL Hello and Assalamualaikum! hehe  I tak menjerit tau, I just excited. Hari ni I extra rajin sikit sebab bersemangat nak buat tauhu begedil. Actually this is my third time making Tauhu Begedil. the previous ones were succesfull so I would like to make more and bagi to my family to taste. Mana la tau kalau they all kata sedap boleh buat jual hee. Actually nak buat tauhu begedil ni tak la susah mana. tapi byk keje nak kene buat sebab kene buat dulu inti begedil from scratch. Inti begedil ni kalau buat sendiri mmg puas hati sbb you all boleh decide banyak mana daging yang you nak.  Yang melambatkan kerja I selalunya sbb I sambil melayan anak2. harini pulak my daughter ada online class. so sambil dia kelas tu I kat dapur la buat inti begedil. Selang 5 minit je mummyy mummy how to count this, mummy how to spell that, mummy, mummyy mumyyy. haha kalau tak layan kang kesian pulak dia tgh semangat online kelas. Half way through pulak my son bangun. Wahh dia bangun biasa la...