Picture from Google

Good Morning! what's up guys? Hope you guys are doing well. My daughter has a good news to share. She had just completed her Iqra' book and soon she can start Muqaddam! Alhamdulillah. To be honest, teaching her reading the Iqra requires a mountain of patience. It is not easy at all. She cried a lot. I CRIED A LOT TOO. I even thinking of finding a tutor to teach her Iqra'. Let me tell you this, I wasn't sure how much is a 6 year old's milestone in terms of reading the Iqra'/ Quran. But I have seen a lot of children progressed a lot better than my daughter. Meaning that some kids at the age of 5yo they already finished Iqra'. While my daughter was still crawling to remember all the Hijaiyiah alphabet. 

I tried my best to teach her every night. But most of the time I was already tired and forgotten about reading the Iqra with her. Without constant classes, my daughter would forget easily. Then MCO came, we have plenty of time at home. So I made a promise to myself to teach her reading everyday after her online classes. But that actually put a toll on both of us. She stressed out, I stressed out. But I never stop praying that she can actually pull this through. Then I did what most of parents do for their kids to accomplish something ; Promise her any toy of her choice. SO she got excited. Everyday her list of toys changes! haha. She couldnt just make up her mind. I was really trying to plant in her head about getting her a new scooter (her current scooter broke!). but she just wouldn't buy the idea. Then eventually she started wanting to finish her Iqra' fast. she kept reminding me to read with her. And finally SHE FINISHED THEM! 

So as promised, we brought her to SUnway Piramid to review some toy shops. She have a few items in her list:

1. The first one she wanted was a smiggle bag. This bag is pretty. Its fancy and the colours are very popping pastel. But Its a bag, so she wont be able to PLAY with it. And during this pandemic, her school do not allow any bags in the compound. SO this bag is actually for her standard 1 next year. So we tried negotiating with her to buy a toy instead. but she won't budge! she almost cried went we left smiggle without her bag. so we went to a toyshop next to Mothercare.
Picture from Google

2. The second toy in her list was this Booty Popping Llama. I seriously do not approve this because; first, the price is RM209!, and secondly it's a baby's toy. She would definitely get bored easily after playing with it for a while. 

                                                        Picture from Google

3. The third item in her list was this My Little Pony baby version of Twilight Sparkle. This toy is RM99. the cheapest among all the options. But this toy doesn't do so much, it only needs to be fed with a bottle and a cuddling gulping sound will come out (as if you're feeding an actual baby!). 
                                                            Picture from Google

All three items were rejected by us. the only one we felt okay was the smiggle bag so we decided to go back to Smiggle but before we did just that....SHE FOUND THE TOY THAT SHE REALLY WANTED! (so fast she changed her mind! hahaha)


We got her the one exactly on the picture. The price is RM111. The best thing about this toy is, you need to give it  a bath to identify which animal you have adopted. In this series, (yes, they have lots of series apparently!) the box is a surprise between a puppy, a kitten and a llama. We have no idea what animal she was about to have. She was all excited. and bugging us to go home instantly. 

So at home, we opened the box, and there were a ball of rainbow hard fur!, a comb, a collar and a ribbon clip.

That was a huge fur ball! haha

So off she went to the bathroom to give her furball a bath. She flowed the water on the furball and the fur became softer and it opened! at this point we were still unable to identify what animal was that. I think it looks like a puppy but my daughter insisted that it was a kitten. Then we put the furball in a basin and soak it while my daughter comb its fur. 

IT's... A.... KITTEN! yeayyyyy. So cute guys! really. My daughter beamed with happiness!

Guys, says hello to GALAXY KATE. My daughter named her.

Once she is dried up, we put on the collar written KATE, combed her fur and put on a ribbon.
She's her favourite toy now. everytime my daughter takes a shower, she will let Kate shower along. haha. I noticed the fur are very good quality, because it did not shred off from the body even after multiple baths. She's happy. We're happy. We even tried looking for the same toys on shopee and most sellers sells them at RM50. hahahah half from the price we paid! oh well, if you guys are interested to buy this toy, please check shopee or lazada first. you can save lots of money. But I do not know if the one sold online were original or not. I hope it is!

Toodles for now,



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