They says that cousins are your first best friend. And I agree on this statement 100%

My daughter was born in September and after 40 days of her arrival, my sister gave birth to her son, Irfan; in October. During that point in time, we were both staying at my parents' hence the two of them were inseparable. They had their 'first milestones' together and it's fun seeing them having someone of their own age to play and have fun together. As the children grow, they becomes the bestest of friends, although undeniably that they have their fair share of fights and arguments but at the end of the day, they still hold each other's hands. 

They have walkers each. Play together everyday.

Big yawn there Azra haha. Irfan looking so bubbly and round!

Time flew quickly and we welcomed a few more members in their cousin clan. We have Yasirah, Faariq and of course my sweet patriotic boy, Aaron. Azra just had her birthday party in September, and yesterday, we hold Irfan's and Faariq's birthday celebrations since both were born in October. Double the celebrations, double the joy!

All five of them.

The initial plan was to have a family trip somewhere in Melaka or PD to celebrate the birthdays, plus, it has been ages since our last family trip! Numerous calls and whatsapps were made to hotels, homestays and airbnbs but our vacation plan was to no avail as all places were fully booked! I supposed Malaysians are having domestic vacations since crossing countries are not allowed. We were bummed obviously. We even look around Selangor and Kuala Lumpur for any good homestay packages but the prices were ballooned up! Sigh. Its either we can't afford it or the place has been booked.

Soon after, the Covid cases mountained and all borders were closed. Government has announced PKPB on selected areas including Selangor! So I guess it was Allah's plan to save our money on bookings since we are not allowed to go out anyway. Alhamdulillah for this hidden blessing. Hence, we come out with the idea of having a BBQ picnic party at my parent's place instead. My parent's place are huge enough for everyone to gather, plus, having BBQ by the fish pond seems like a vacation. My parents even requested for the inflated pool for children to have fun and I supplied giant bubbles for the children to play. Kids this age love bubbles don't they?

My daughter already requested to sleepover at atok's place. Of course we agreed on this, I mean, why not? She was packing her bag here.

All ready for Birthday Party at Atok's

On our way to Atok's house

We settled the BBQ stuffs between us. My sister bought the chickens, sausages and made spaghetti carbonara. My SIL bought us marinated lambs, marinates for the chicken and pepes. My mom cooked mushroom soups and made some lovely crispy garlic breads and my dad bought prawns and prepares the BBQ pit with my brother; while I made potato mayonaise, mayonaise dipping sauce, and ordered a two themed cake from a friend of mine. The theme were Ghostbusters (Irfan) and PJ Masks (Faariq). Just like Azra's birthday cake, we also decided for the birthday boys to decorate their own cake and it was awesome. The children definitely having a blast.

Two themed birthday cake

The BBQ went really well. The food spread were awesome, kids ate a whole load of foods! and they played hard tooo! Both my kids had the longest time in the pool. They just refused to go out early haha. I am just glad they enjoyed this special day. Wait till they see their presents!

Pool time is the best time!

Playing bubbles last week. I forgot to take photos of them playing bubbles last night.

After we had stuffed our bellies with good food, we took a break for everyone to take a shower and Maghrib prayer. Guys, BBQ is no joke, the smell of smokes were indeed so strong that it got stuck to our hairs and clothes. Thank God for shampoos. And Thank God for the brain of mine that remembers to bring extra clothes for the family. haha. Alhamdulillah.

Then its time for cake and presents! We let the birthday boys decorated their cake though it was a total chaos haha. We sang the birthday song, took some photos and videos and ate the cake! Super delicious choc cheese cake by Engine's Baker! I have ordered from her for almost 3 years now. Really satisfied. Right after, it was presents time. As usual, everyone will get a present and not just the birthday boys, which left my husband feeling annoyed with this arrangement. He kept on questioning why do we always have to buy presents for everyone?? Chill daddyyyy.

Cake decoration for the kids. This is a really great activity for them.

Almost done.

DONE! Lovely right. As long as the kids are happy!

Birthday Boys

Happy 6th Birthday Irfan!

Happy 4th Birthday Faariq!

First presents. Matching watches for everyone. 

All busy opening their presents.

My parent's house was chaotic with the children opening their presents, and they played all night long. We had supper too finishing the BBQ chickens. At 10pm, my son already feeling sleepy so we headed back home while his sister stays at my parent's place for sleepover. My son slept in front of the tv by himself while we were having our isya' prayer. 

Definitely having the best night of his life haha. Nighty nite!

That's all for today guys. Till next time!





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