Hello and Assalamualaikum,

Have you guys tried this Limited Halloween Edition of Ghost Pepper combo set by Daebak noodle by MAMEE? This combo set consist of Ghost Pepper Cola and Spicy Chicken Noodles! I am a sucker when it comes to spicy food, spicy foods are my life! My refrigerator has never runs out of cili padi. I will make sure I have the supply anytime I want. 

I didn't even know the existence of this limited edition Ghost Pepper until I brought my kids out to 7-11 and the cashier promoted the set to me. Oh, before I forgot, this set is only available in 7-11 nation wide at the price of RM8.90. I even found the Ghost Pepper Mister Potato chips! and of course, I bought it as well.

The triplets.
All black and eerie theme because well.... its halloween! duhh..What do you expect? haha

To add more excitement, this limited edition combo comes with a challenge whereby you need to:

1) eat the spicy chicken noodle. 
2) take a video of you struggling to finish the whole cup. (Of of the struggle, because it is expected to be as spicy as hell!)
3) Post it on your social media accounts and tag @Daebaknoodles and include #canornotchallenge to be chosen as the lucky winner.

The ultimate price is RM10,000, whereby half of it will be donated under your own name! I guess not only you will get cash, you will also get pahala from the donation, InsyaAllah.

Pray hard guys, and do visit Daebaknoodles on Facebook or Instagram for more details.

Anyway, I am here not to do the video challenge because I am here for my HONEST REVIEW on the Limited Edition Ghost Pepper Spicy Chicken Noodle, Spicy Cola and Ghost Pepper Mister Potato Chips. Let the review, begin!


1) The packaging is so nice! I love how they put the two items into a custom box. It really felt like LIMITED EDITION. Their printing are all in black theme with some redness. I guess it's definitely taking into account the Halloween spirit. Well, to put this clear, I am not celebrating Halloween, I am just trying this out. Plus this Noodles, Cola and Chips are all Halal certified from JAKIM. Eat them with no worries okayyy!

Halal guys!

Fork and the seasoning sauce are put inside the cup.

2) As I opened the noodle cup, I was surprised to see the noodles in black! It somehow seems like dried black worms haha. There are one spicy sauce and a fork given. The instructions are written on the cup's lid.

Doesn't this look like worms?? haha it definitely looks like worms to me.

3) This part the most annoying part. I wasn't really understand how make this so I make sure that I followed the instruction step by step. The first step was to open the lid partially, take out the seasoning sauce and pour hot water into the noodles. BUT being me, I actually thought the instruction was to put the seasoning sauce in and pour hot water. Then I closed the lid as instructed and waited for 4 minutes. Then I realized the next step is to drain the water and POUR THE SAUCE IN. Wait what??? I already pour the sauce earlier in the first step. There will be no more sauce to pour after I drain the water. And that's when I realized that this was supposed to be dry noodle not as soup. IDIOT. haha.

Do read the instruction carefully. Don't be an idiot like me haha.

4) But nevertheless, I am not a quitter. SO I DIDN'T DRAIN THE WATER. I let this be a noodle soup. Because I was afraid that the spiciness would also go down the drain. 

Digging in, in 3..2...1

5) And oh my gosh! It was as spicy as a thousand cili padi!!!! My husband only tried a bite and he couldn't handle it. He had to drink Ribena, ate a KIT KAT and swallowed some ice to reduce the spiciness. I, on the other hand, managed to finished the whole cup! wehooo! I told you I was a sucker for spicy food. I even drank the whole soup. It was indeed very very veryyyyy SPICY!

It is claimed to be very very very SPICYY.

6) There were no flavor coming from the noodle. The spiciness comes from the seasoning. If you can handle the most spiciest sambal ayam gepuk pak gembus, you can definitely handle this Spicy Chicken Noodle. I was sweating really badly and my lips were all red. I had to take a chocolate and iced water to cool down. 

7) Taste wise is nice, and definitely they are not lying about it being spicy!


1) I have never tried any spicy drinks before, hence I am pretty much nervous trying this Spicy Cola. I opened the cola and as expected, the carbonated gassy sounds came out. It looks exactly like any dark cola. 

Looks spooky enough for me.

2) I pour the cola into a glass of ice because I prefer it served cold. Then, I drank it. Oh my god! It was spicy indeed! The gases were strong. There was a sting sensation when I sip the cola. The smell is of Coca Cola but with slightly spicy sensational smell as if some chilli powder were mixed into the ingredients. My throat felt violated! haha because it was spicy gassy drink that didn't provide any comfort at all. Usually drinks are to provide comfort to the throat but this one is definitely NOT. Though it is refreshing as normal cola except that it was exceptionally spicy. Weird. Not something that you would buy for daily intake.

It looks like a normal cola. Never let a child try this. It stings the throat!


1) This chips were packed as normal potato chips. It is also black in colour and they claimed that no artificial colouring were used, hence, I am quite confuse of what did they used to make it black? Anyway, the chips actually looked like molded chips. As if it was long untouched and expired, or in malay, "dah berkulat/kulapok" . but that was just my opinion when I first saw it.

Doesn't look appetizing at all. In fact it looks like "kerepek yang dah berkulat" to me!

2) The taste is like seaweed and not too salty. It wasn't really as spicy as I thought it would be. Though it left my throat slightly stingy. I wasn't really fond of the taste. Its definitely not a flavour to munch for fun.

3) There is a certificate to fill up to those who can handle the spiciness on the top lid. It wasn't that the spiciness is stopping me from finishing the whole cup, but the taste itself is slightly bland and boring.  

That's all for my honest review. I am pretty sure I will be hitting the toilet often tomorrow. 

Toodles for now,



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