Hello dan Assalamualaikum,

I baru balik from the hospital sebab Aaron masuk ward for 24 hours monitoring due to the fact that dia jatuh tersembam betul-betul pada buju meja!! I kid you not, my heart literally stopped a beat!

It happened on Sunday night, my husband tengah main kejar-kejar dengan Aaron, and he ran so fast that he missed his steps and suddenly BAM!! he hit his face (near his right eye to be exact) so HARD on the edge of a side table!! Masa ni I tengah siapkan kerja di ruang tamu, I terdengar bunyi hentaman yang sangat kuat sampai I panik. I ran to the bedroom and found my husband hugging Aaron who was crying unconsolably.

I took a quick look at Aaron's face. It was swollen, all blue and purple! I cepat-cepat ambil ice and did cold compression on the swollen area. Aaron menangis teruk sangat. I can't imagine how excruciating the pain was! We soothed him to sleep and I applied copaiba and covered with a plaster. He woke up the next day looking so swollen and the plaster caused the area to be burnt and blistered.

He woke up happy forgotten the fact that his eye was injured.

The blister and his eye was so swollen that we decided to seek doctor's advice.

On our way to the hospital. Just look at his eye!

I went to the hospital alone with Aaron while my husband stayed at home with Azra. The doctor was super shocked to see one rounded swollen eye boy walking into his room. He checked everything he could and took my statement. Then, he immediately sent us for xray test. For the record, doing Xray for a 3 years old boy is soooo goddamn stressful! Dia takut sangat-sangat sebenarnya sampaikan dia melawan semua doctor, nurses and myself. Susah jugak eh. The struggle was real! But we made it with some force included.

The X-ray result took about 10 minutes, so in the meantime, I bawa dia pergi kedai runcit to buy kinder joy. Sajalah to ease his stress. He seems scared with all the doctors and nurses around. After he ate his chocolate, he became his jolly old self again. Fiuhh.

Guyss, the X-ray result put me into tears. Doctor found a crack on his facial skull right under the eyes area. A pediatrician was immediately informed and I was advised to keep Aaron in the hospital for 24 hours observation and for CT Scan. I was struggling so hard to keep Aaron entertained (dia sangatlah lasak and happy dapat pergi jalan-jalan eventhough it was just a hospital), while at the same time I kene settlekan admission, and nurses needed to feed him ubat tidur so that he can fall asleep while doing the CT Scan. I have been running here and there trying to solves issues and doktor pakar came down to have a chat with me and to see Aaron's condition. Woww, I somehow felt like being interrogated! I hoped they didn't think that I abuse/beat my little boy. Oh no no. This was purely accidental!

Aaron was so hyper and drowsy from the medicine but he still didn't sleep. So the nurse gave him another round of ubat tidur. I was having trouble putting him to sleep because he refused! Since we needed to be warded for the night, COVID TEST is a must! It was my first time. Mula-mula doctor took a swab from my mouth then he took a swab from my nose. The nose part painful a bit la but it was quick. Aaron had to go through the same swabs. Poor boy!!

We got into our room and were asked to get changed because Aaron will be sent for CT Scan soon. Luckily he fell asleep on his way to the CT Scanner.

Huge room! I love it because Aaron can run around and explore! My husband sent over our essentials. Fiuhhh.

Already in placed sound asleep in the CT Scanner

While Aaron stays for the CT Scan, I went out to meet my husband and Azra. I was so low in spirit that I needed a hug to get recharged. Hugs and kisses from these two are my strength. Husband n Azra are not allowed to enter the ward because they did not do any Covid test. FYI, Covid test cost RM300 per person!

After the CT Scan. He was still sleeping and was put on oxygen for standby

Waiting for him to wake up before transferring back to our room

I was practically tired from too much worrying and crying

He wasn't waking up so the nurses decided to let him sleep in his room. So they push him there

He continued sleeping for a solid one hour. So I have the time to take a shower and rest. I was so hungry because it was already 4pm and I haven't eat a single food yet. Aaron was hungry too, but he can't eat anything prior to the CT Scan

Just nice that our food arrived before he woke up. He immediately asked for food and was very eager to eat. and so was I! We finished every single thing on the table haha

Facetiming with daddy while playing playdoh. He missed daddy and Azra so much that he kept saying he wanted to go home.

Later that night I let him loitered around the ward's corridor because he was so bored in his room. He doesn't look sick at all. A while later doctor came to tell me about his CT Scan result. Alhamdulillah no internal bleeding or fracture detected. We were so glad and happy. 

At 9pm my husband came to sent us more food! wehee. We were both hungry because we had an early dinner in the evening. My husband cooked all his favourite food, Maggi goreng and udang! wohhoo He ate them all!

We had a good night sleep although my body was aching from carrying Aaron around all day. The doctor came for a visit in the morning to inform our Covid Test were negative and we can be discharged that afternoon! However doctor was still worried for any late symptoms hence, he asked us to have a close monitoring at home for at least 5 more days. A follow up will be arranged next week. Alhamdulillah.

His eye was still very swollen when he woke up that morning

Nasi lemak for breakfast. I finished them since Aaron only wanted to eat chocolate wafer for breakfast and a cup of milo

All wangi after showered and ready to have a play with mommy

This window at the end of our ward's corridor was facing UTC Shah Alam which had a Malaysia Flag and Selangor Flag! Aaron spent quite some time here with his two "friends" haha. if you know what I mean "winks"

Lunch arrived and we ate first before leaving the hospital

4 bags for one night in the hospital, all ready to leave!

The total bill was at RM3,300 including Aaron's Covid test. My covid test was an additional RM300. So I had to pay RM3.6k in total. But it was a great hospital and the doctors and nurses were very friendly.

Anyway, here are some tips for parents if your child had a fall, especially if hit the head:
1) Monitor for any vomiting, or drowsiness for the first 24 hours. If it occur, go straight to a hospital.
2) Seek doctor's view immediately if your child is below 1 year old.
3) If the area is swollen, use cold compression to reduce it.
4) Do not let your child sleep for the first hour, because takut if your child is not really sleeping but actually pengsan.

That's all for today.
Be safe okay!



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