Hai and Assalamualaikum!

Guys, I have something to tell you, I have just created a new YOUTUBE ACCOUNT not more than 48 hours ago!! weeheee. I made this account specifically to cater for recipes because I already have a youtube account that I used to post about my kids activities, and I do not want to mix that up with my recipes channel.

As for now, I have only uploaded one videos. I will do more shooting insyaAllah soon. I even already have plans for tomorrow's recipe! By the way, bear in mind that I am doing this on my own. I am the videographer, I am the chef, I am the helper, I am the cleaner and I am even the editor! haha everything is on ME!! Well, I do not have a team obviously and I do not have any editing background. I did everything on my phone and the only apps that I used is iMOVIE by Apple. My husband helps by taking care of the kids while I'm busy with shooting and editing. Thank you sayang.

Well for the record, I have decided to be more active on these two platforms which are Blogger and YouTube because I realised I have nothing to be proud of or accomplished at this age (31). Really guys, I've dumped my career way deep in the South China Sea, I have no intention to extend or further my studies since I am pretty much busy with my kids, I also have no time and resources to start baking and selling (I used to baked and sells) and also, I wanted to do something that I love, which are pouring my hearts out via writing on my blog and sharing the menu and recipes that I made for the day. Well, who am I kidding, I cook on daily basis hence I might as well start recording and share it with you all. After all I don't even have many friends to talk to everyday, these platforms allow me to be expressive as much as I can.

Yes, I know, my editing still sucks and my video is not that great, but heyyyy I am learning. haha. This really is a nice refreshing activity for a dominant housewife like me!

Anyway, I am here asking you guys who read and follows me on my blog or instagram, do me a favour, please visit my website www.heartiza.com and my youtube channel Dapur KakTi as often as you can. And please please help me by clicking the subscribes button and view all my videos often because the number of views and subscribers will help the YouTube team to get me recognized and with Allah's will, maybe one fine day I may be able to monetize both my blog and Youtube. InsyaAllah. Amin Amin. FYI, right now I am incomeless. haha.

Visit my Youtube Channel & jangan lupa subscribe ok guys!  ---> Dapur KakTi 

I have uploaded this recipe about two nights ago. Please have a visit guys.

That's all for today,


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