Hello dan Assalamualaikum,

Hari ini I bawa my son, Aaron for his check up because as per my previous post, he had a fall. So doctor dah setkan tarikh untuk dia tengok perkembangan terbaru Aaron since dia discharged last week. So far at home memang doktor dah suruh I monitor dia for more than 5 days, and Alhamdulillah he did not show any signs that needed attention. Oh I forgot to mention, I pergi ke AVISENA WOMEN AND CHILDREN HOSPITAL untuk treatment Aaron. Selalunya I pergi ke SJMC di Subang Jaya tetapi memandangkan keadaan Aaron yang sangat teruk masa tu, I terus bawa dia ke Avisena kerana ia lebih dekat dengan my house. 

Avisena WC is so gorgeous guyssss! Even the waiting area is spacious and there is a vending machine! Aaron is so excited with the vending machine. Actually, dia memang suka mesin yang boleh masukkan duit. He can be excited with parking ticket machine, and even dryer machine. So I gave him two dollars and he straight away select Yeos' chrysanthemum tea! Good choice son. 

Level 11's waiting area. Spacious, very cozy. We were the only patient at that time. Even our waiting number is 001. haha

After spending RM2 at the vending machine, he took water from the Coway machine. This too excites him!

We did not wait for long for the doctor to call us in. He took a quick look at Aaron and he asked me about his progress at home. I told him that he did not show any symptoms from the fall and he seemed to be normal. His swollen eye had reduced tremendously. The Doctor then told me the reason why he had requested for Aaron to be warded for 24hours monitoring and for CT Scan. He was concerned that Aaron might developed a RACOON EYE. (This is the first time I heard of such term). The doctor then further explained that when I came to the emergency with Aaron last week, the doctor in the clinic was very shocked to see his swollen eyes and immediately triggered about racoon eyes. Hence the doctor did an XRay and found a small crack on his facial skull right under his eyes. Due to the crack, the doctor alerted a Pediatrician for further check up. So that explained why he transferred to specialist, because of the Racoon Eyes.

But wait, what is Racoon Eyes you may asked?

Racoon Eyes is actually the blood vessel that was scarred due to a traumatic injury on the head causing the blood to flow and accumulated in the eyes area. It was called as Racoon Eyes because of the close resemblance to a racoon's eyes that have the dark circles around them. Paham kan?

So doctor showed me some googled photos of racoon eyes. To my surprise, it really do look just like Aaron’s! 

Oh god look at this poor child. I found this powerpoint presentation on racoon eyes online named HEAD TRAUMA published by Cori Dennis. It was a very resourceful presentation. You can find it online and read through for further explanation.

Now, do you guys still remember how Aaron looks like after his fall? Let me show again his pictures.

This photo was taken 24hours after the fall. He was still at the hospital.

The next day at home, he looked like this. This really looked like Racoon Eye!! But thank God it went away in less than a week.

Doctor explained that for children, injuries would heal faster than adult but there could be late symptoms developed very much later. The symptoms are:

1) Racoon eyes (immediate)
2) Runny nose (not flu)
3) Bruises behind ears
4) Seizure

Sourced by https://erratic-emedicine.tumblr.com/post/81180742944/picture-1-battle-sign-picture-2-racoon-eyes/amp

Since the CT scan showed no skull fracture on Aaron's head, and his eye was no longer swollen and bruised, doctor concluded that he is healthy and back to normal. Hence the bruises was only due to the fall impact, NOT FROM SCARRED BLOOD VESSEL. ALhamdulillah. But doctor still warns for seizure because it could happen anytime!

Erghh I couldnt phatom the fact it could be my Aaron who would developed racoon eyes!

Ok guys, that's all for today,



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