Habis Pantang 44 Hari and Pre-Birthday Celebration

 Assalamualaikum semua,

Harini officially I habis pantang selepas 44 hari I melahirkan baby yang comel gebu gebas haha. Sejujurnya, I tak pantang sangat pun. Lepas bersalin haritu, my mom masakkan lauk pantang selama 2 minggu. So I cuma makan makanan pantang sahaja selama 2 minggu tu. Selepas itu, I makan macam biasa dah. Cuma tulah, bila ter pedas, baby I pun asyik terberak-berak. Makanya I kene makan in moderation lah.

Sebelum bersalin haritu, I memang plan nak ambil confinement package. Told my husband about it and he said ok. Then kitorang pun proceedlah untuk conceive. Later on, cases covid kat Malaysia ni makin naik. Dan banyak yang menjadi mangsa adalah ibu2 mengandung. We are considered as high risk kalau kena covid. Seram betul rasa. Terutama dengan kes arwah Siti Sarah. Berhari-hari I sedih dengan pemergian beliau dan ketakutan untuk diri sendiri. Bila semakin menghampiri due date, my husband and my parents decided its too risky untuk engage dengan Confinement Company, sebabnya ada pula muncul cases yang di bawa daripada CL dan mengjangkiti seluruh keluarga ibu yang baru bersalin termasuklah newborn tersebut.

Jadi, I memang confirm tiada confinement care! Fuuh it takes a while untuk I terima this fact sebab I actually have been looking forward for confinement care. Tup tup, I am on my own.

So fast forward, harini I dah 44 hari!!! Kebetulan, I bagitau kawan I that I need to see her for her signature and thumb print (I buat unit trust untuk my friend). And terus dia cakap. Jom jumpa, dine in terus. woah! I tak pernah dine in since first trimester haritu. I rasa excited sangatlah! 

And she actually perasan I punya instastory that I was craving for carrot cake and cheese cake. dia whatsapp I mcm ni "aku tau carrot cake secret recipe sedap tau. Jom makan birthday ko dah dekat".

Terus kitorang onz pergi secret recipe hehe. Dah la kebetulan 11.11 sale. I beli kupon Lazada 3 cakes untuk RM20. Dan dia pulak beli voucher Secret Recipe from Shopee.

Sampai sana I cakap "aku ada kupon kek wei. nanti kita boleh pakai kupon ni"

Then masa bayar dia pulak kata "aku nak bayar pakai voucher".

Siasat punya siasat, memang rupanya kami masing-masing dok shopping 11.11 haha. Great minds think alike kan.

She picked me up lepas maghrib, terus pergi SACC and dine in. Sampai sana dia ckp " order la apa kau nak, aku belanja. Kupon ko tu ko pakai untuk anak-anak ko k. aku belikan ko lain nanti"

Awwww. So we ordered macam-macam!

I makan Penang Asam Laksa, Strawberry WHite Choclate Milkshake and CARROT CAKE. I take away 3 cakes for my family, 2 CHocolate Indulgence dan 1 New York Cheesecake.

Dia pula makan Vietnamese Noodle, Caramel Milkshake and Chocolate Indulgence Cake. 


Staff Secret Recipe offer nak ambilkan gambar kitorang. Thankyou! Cantik gambar ni.

Ni la dia my best friend. Syazana nama dia. I panggil Sya. Orang Kelantan. Belajar kat UITM Shah Alam sama dengan I. Sayang sangat kat dia ni. Ni milkshake and Iceblended kitorang baru sampai.

Cakes pulak sampai. SOrang satu tau. hahaha

Dia tulis situ have a nice day. SHould have mention it was my birthday kan. SHould be Happy Birthday hehe

I Love Cakes!! Always a Sweet Tooth!

She's paying tapi staff tak familiar dengan voucher SHopee so it takes a while.

The wide selection of Cakes in Secret Recipe.

The wide selection of tarts in Hokkaido CHeese Tart.

I had a very good time. Lama sangat tak jumpa kawan. My life has been around the house je for this whole year. This dinner was a good recharge. Suka dengar update from my friend. She is so successful now that I am so so proud of her! Thank you for always being here for me.



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